What is mental illness?
Everyone experiences emotional problems sometimes in life. You may feel sad, angry, alone, or frustrated. Oftentimes, you may feel better by expressing these feelings to someone you feel close to. However, when the problem persists or you are unable to function at home, school or work, you must seek professional help. You may have developed something more than just an emotional problem. You might be suffering from a mental illness. Being mentally ill seems to carry a heavy burden of social stigma, embarrassment, and fear that is difficult to overcome. However, with today's improved medications, diagnostic and therapeutic techniques and a strong support system, many people with mental illnesses live productive lives just like everyone else.
If you or someone you know may be suffering from mental illness, please call Asian Pacific Counseling and Treatment Centers at (213) 252-2100. Our professional staff can help you and your family.
I don't speak English. Can I still get service?
APCTC staff consists of over 100 bilingual staff members who can provide assistance in your language. The languages spoken include Cambodian, Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin and Taiwanese), Filipino (Cebuano, Ilocano and Tagalog), Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Spanish, Thai, and Vietnamese.
Is my record shared with anyone outside of the Clinic?
By law, APCTC is required to ensure that your Protected Health Information (PHI) is kept private. PHI constitutes information about your past, present or future health or condition, the provision of health care services to you, or the payment for such health care. All new clients are given a Notice of Privacy Practices that explains when, why, and how APCTC would use and/or disclose your PHI. With some exceptions, APCTC may not use or disclose more of your PHI than is necessary to accomplish the purpose for which the use or disclosure is made; however, APCTC is always legally required to follow the privacy practices.
What is the fee? How can I pay for service?
We accept Medi-CAL and Medi-CAL/Medicare. You may be able to obtain services without medical insurance if you meet eligibility criteria for some programs offered at APCTC.
Where can I get my medication?
You can obtain medication from any pharmacy of your choice or our staff can help you find one nearest to you. If you have no health insurance, the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health will cover the cost of some medications for participants in certain programs.
For any other questions and concerns, please call (213) 252-2100.